6 juin 2015
Jordan Morris décisif avec l’équipe A des Etats-Unis

Mieux, entré en jeu contre les Pays-Bas ce vendredi soir, il a effectué une passe décisive et a aidé son équipe à s’imposer face aux Néerlandais (4-3).
Rappelons que Jordan Morris évolue encore à l’université de Stanford. Cela ne l’empêche pas, cependant, de montrer l’étendue de son talent au niveau international !
Jordan Morris decisive with the USA senior squad
Jordan Morris is living a thrilling period. After some good performances during the 2015 Toulon Tournament, the 20-year-old has been called up to the USA senior squad for the friendly against Netherlands, this Friday.
The American forward was impressive as he came off the bench to provide an assist and helped his side to win against the Dutch national team (4-3).
It should be noted that Jordan Morris is still playing at the collegiate level at Stanford University. What a story !
Amayes Brahmi - Follow @AmayesB
Credits Photo : Magali Ruffato