18 juillet 2015
Jordan Amavi signe à Aston Villa

Le joueur de 21 ans a paraphé un contrat de cinq avec le club anglais. Le montant du transfert est estimé à 13M€ environ selon les médias anglais.
Le finaliste du Festival International Espoirs 2014 rencontrera ses nouveaux coéquipiers, ce lundi.
Jordan Amavi signs for Aston Vila
Aston Villa, the Premier League side, has announced the signing of Jordan Amavi from OGC Nice.
The 21-year-old has penned a five-year-deal with the English team. The transfer fee is believed to be around €13M according to reports in England.
The 2014 Toulon Tournament runner-up will meet his new team-mates on Monday.
Amayes Brahmi - Follow @AmayesB
Credits Photo : Magali Ruffato