27 mai 2015
Remy Reijnierse (sélectionneur des Pays-Bas) : "Le résultat est logique"

Remy Reijnierse (Netherlands headcoach) : "We can do great things"
"Costa Rica make a goal before half-time. Then they believed more and they showed it in the second half, but I don't think they had big chances so I think the victory is OK like that. Costa Rica showed great skills in the second half. The first half was for us, second half for them but they didn't create a lot of chances so it's OK like this. We have a great squad, with positive guys so we think we can do great things in the next week."
Joris Van Overeem (joueur des Pays-Bas) : "Nous avons eu le contrôle"
Joris Van Overeem (Netherlands player) : "We had control"
"La première mi-temps a été bonne. Nous avons bien joué et bien défendu. En seconde périonde, nous avons moins joué mais la défense est restée solide, nous avons contrôlé la rencontre. Le Costa Rica ne s'est pas procuré beaucoup d'occasions. J'ai bien joué en première mi-temps, j'ai fait de bonnes passes, et puis j'ai surtout défendu après la pause. Nous pouvons gagner les autres matchs et aller jusqu'en finale."
"The first half was good, our football was good and defense was also. In second half, we didn't play football more but the defense was quite good, we had control and they didn't create a lot of chances. My first half was good, with some good passes and the second half was only defense. We can win more games and go to the final."
Mathieu Lauricella
Credits Photo : Mathieu Lauricella