29 mai 2015
Andy Herzog (entraîneur des USA) : "Une belle performance"

Certains joueurs sont vraiment fatigués puisque nous avons joué deux matches en trois jours. Nous devons être intelligents pour le troisième match afin de trouver le juste équilibre. Mais pour le moment, je suis juste heureux de la performance de mes hommes ».
Andy Herzog (USA head coach) : "A great team performance"
“My team came back really good. Our attacking players are really fast, that’s there biggest strength, and they were able to use it today. Overall, It was a great team performance.After the loss against France, I expected that my team shows character.
Couple of players are really tired because they played two games in three days. We have to be smart for the third game to find the right balance."