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17 juillet 2023

Angel Orelien signs in France thanks to his Maurice Revello Tournament heroics !

Winner of the Maurice Revello Tournament 2023 with Panama and joint-top scorer of the competition with three goals, Angel Orelien has caught the eye of the numerous scouts who attended this 49th edition. The Panama attacking midfielder will continue his career in France and more precisely at Dunerkque as they added him to their squad for the upcoming Ligue 2 season.

« I want to go in Europe and learn. Going to Europe will be good for me as a person and as a player”. These words pronounced by Angel Orelien, during an interwiew with AS, on early July were clear : at 22, the Maurice Revello Tournament 2023 was aiming to try his chance in the Old Continent.

His wish has been fulfilled very quickly as newly-promoted Ligue 2 side USL Dunkerque announced the signing of the Panamanian until 2025, with two more years in option.

Like several players before him (for example, the Mexican winger Diego Lainez or Venezuelan midfielder Telasco Segovia), the Orelien’s fate has been changed thanks to his performances at the Maurice Revello Tournament. The numerous scouts who where in the Tournament’s stands on June were able to evaluate the progress achieved by the Panama international (3 caps).

The 169cm attacking-midfielder has already been impressive at the Maurice Revello Tournament 2022 but he has clearly exceeded the expectations in 2023 : he delivered one assist and scored three goals, each more beautiful than the next, notably a stunner in this 49th edition final against Mexico (4-1). As many heroics which helped Angel Orelien to win the Tournament's Second Best Player award.

The aim is clear now for Orelien who said recently that he wants to become “the best number 10 of Panama” : make a name for himself in Europe and cement his place in the Panama senior team, which finished recently as the Gold Cup runners-up.

Click here to watch the Angel Orelien's highlights at the Maurice Revello Tournament 2023

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