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2 mai 2018

Marc Collat, the Haitian squad's handyman

The years go by, but the passion is unchanging. Back on the Carribean squad's bench since a few weeks, Marc Collat has several functions. The 67 years-old French, Haiti men's senior squad's head coach, is also in charge of the U20 women's squad, which will take part to the Sud Ladies Cup from 5th to 10th June.

"The new head coach's mission will be larger than the one during his first contract with Haitian Football Federation", said the HFF president Yves Jean-Bart when Marc Collat was officially back on the Haiti squad's bench last Juanuary.

Three years after he left, the 67 years-old French came back as a handyman. Head coach of the Haitian men's senior squad, Collat is also in charge of several youth squads, including the U20 women's squad which will play the Sud Ladies Cup from 5th to 10th June, in order to prepare the U20 World Cup in August.

The Martinican seems to enjoy this mad rhythm. "This is pretty unexpected. I had practically stopped my career and now, I rediscovered enthusiasm and pleasure. Living all of this, especially with U20 women's team, made me feel twenty years rejuvenated ! I found again a lot of the freshness I lost these last years when I was head coach of professional or senior squads", added Collat in France Football magazine.

The coach wants to use the Sud Ladies Cup to carry out the last adjustments before the U20 World Cup... and observe Germany, as Haitian will face them during the competition in group round in August ! "We will play against Germans during the Sud Ladies Cup, so we will have a better perception of this opponent, which will be the favourite of the group", he affirmed during the U20 World Cup draw in words relayed by Footkole.

The Sud Ladies Cup and the U20 World Cup, both events that the Fort-de-France born hopes to handle in the best way. Before to take up new challenges with the different squads he is in charge of...

Amayes Brahmi

Credits photos : Haiti-Tempo


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