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24 avril 2019

Zoom on... Haiti, to keep improving

A few days before the beggining of the second edition of the Sud Ladies Cup, from 8th to 18th May, here is an overview of the six participating squads. Ones are favourites, others are underdogs, but all will have the same goal : do their best and finish as high as possible. Today, zoom on Haiti.

Surprise of the Sud Ladies Cup first edition in 2018, Haiti are not a beginner team anymore one year later. Despite a last-place and three losses in three games, the team coached by Marc Collat impressed by its self-sacrifice and its solidarity, such as the solid performance against Germany. The Haitian showed the same state of mind during the U20 World Cup in France in July. They made China, Nigeria and… Germany again struggle to beat them but couldn’t avoid an elimination after the group round.

The Caribbean squad only lost by one goal each game. After they were dominated by China (1-2), they were defeated by Nigeria (0-1) before to be very close to a massive achievement against the Germans. Despite they were three goals down after sixty minutes, Haitians started an incredible comeback and scored two goals in ten minutes... but couldn't net the equalizer (2-3). Nerilia Mondesir, whose we saw the qualities during the Sud Ladies Cup, scored the three goals of her team during the World Cup.

This year, it is with an increased experience and a strong desire that they come back to compete in the second edition of the Sud Ladies Cup. The goal : continue the improvement started those last months and confirm all the hopes created by those displays. With the young talents Rachelle Caremus and Danielle Monique Etienne, Haiti will have some serious arguments in their squad. Enough to create the sensation ?


Zoom on... DPR Korea, queen of consistency

Zoom on... France, to lead the way

Zoom on... Gabon, for the first time

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